Stop Payment Terms & Conditions

In requesting the stop payment of this check, the requestor agrees:

  1. The stop payment is subject to a charge as disclosed in our Consumer Service Charge Schedule or Business Service Charge Schedule.

  2. You agree to hold FAIRWINDS Credit Union harmless for said amount of draft/debit and from all expenses, costs, and attorney's fees that might be incurred by FAIRWINDS Credit Union on account of refusal to pay the said draft/debit.

  3. You agree that you are liable for any damages resulting from the stoppage of the above draft/debit.

  4. You agree that FAIRWINDS Credit Union will NOT be responsible for any draft that clears within one business day* after the date of STOP PAYMENT notice. In the event the requests is made by mail, the one business day will date from the day the request is received in this office.

  5. You understand that the STOP PAYMENT request for a draft/debit will remain in effect 6 months from the date shown below unless it is cancelled in writing and pays an additional removal fee.

It is understood that:

  1. If a third person (including all service centers of FAIRWINDS Credit Union) becomes a holder in due course of this check, the third person may be entitled to enforce payment against the drawer.

  2. If FAIRWINDS Credit Union does not have a reasonable time to act on this stop payment before FAIRWINDS Credit Union has accepted the item, or before FAIRWINDS Credit Union has paid the item in cash. or before the item has been deposited or received for deposit for credit in an account of a customer with the payor credit union, then FAIRWINDS Credit Union may be entitled to enforce payment of this item against the drawer.

  3. Due to missorting or misrouting, this check may have already been accepted by FAIRWINDS Credit Union and the credit union may be unable to determine this until two business days after acceptance.