Working to inspire generous living.

Generous living can make an extraordinary difference in transforming the lives of others. It can also make a difference in how good we feel about ourselves and make the world a better place for all.

Apply For a Grant
Community leaders representing sixteen organizations embodying FAIRWINDS Foundation’s core purpose of improving lives through financial well-being take to the stage to receive grants totaling $500,000 – the Foundation’s largest grant to date.
A portrait of FAIRWINDS Foundation Executive Director Elisha Gonzalez.

A Message from the Executive Director

"We believe that when families and individuals have the information and tools needed to secure and improve their financial health, we collectively impact and improve our community’s economic well-being. For too many, financial freedom is still a distant goal. At FAIRWINDS Foundation, we’re determined to change that. With every grant, every program, and every partnership, we’re ready to break down barriers too many have experienced for too long. Together, we will move forever forward until everyone in our community enjoys the freedom of financial stability."

Elisha González, Executive Director, FAIRWINDS Foundation

How We Help

Through philanthropic grants, the FAIRWINDS Foundation supports Central Florida’s most economically vulnerable populations, including homeless and at-risk youth, victims of domestic violence, veterans and minority business owners, among many others.

Earlier this year, the FAIRWINDS Foundation awarded a record $500,000 in grants to 16 organizations who are shaping a future of financial freedom and economic prosperity.

Congratulations to the 2025 FAIRWINDS Foundation grant recipients!

A collage of logos from businesses who received grant money from the FAIRWINDS foundation.

Inspiring Your Passions

We know you have a passion of your own, and we want to help inspire that passion and the impact you can have through generous living. Whether it’s finding a cause you care about, making donations on your behalf, or connecting with others who share your passion, we are here for you.


A Life of Generosity

The crewmembers at FAIRWINDS are a generous bunch and work tirelessly each day to improve the financial well-being of their members while living generously by giving to their community in numerous ways. As the credit union’s foundation, we inspire and recognize that spirit of giving.


A Servant's Heart

Whether teaching a financial literacy course in a classroom or stocking shelves at a food bank, we advocate that both crewmembers and members be continuously out in the community, lending a helping hand. We strive to encourage group projects and connect people to volunteer opportunities.


Growing the Community

We believe that when individuals are financially informed, they are better positioned to secure and improve their financial well-being. So our core purpose is working with and supporting organizations that align with our desire to improve lives through financial literacy.


Annual Report

FAIRWINDS Foundation works to inspire generosity, match generosity, volunteer everywhere, and work with and support organizations that improve lives through financial well-being.

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Grant Guidelines

The FAIRWINDS Foundation’s core purpose is to work with and support organizations that improve lives through financial well-being. If you think we can help your organization grow, get in touch with us today.