< 1 minute read|Published by FAIRWINDS

6 Easy and Effective Ways to Help You Save on Utilities This Summer

Beat the heat without breaking the bank! Discover simple, effective ways to save on summer utility bills while staying cool at home.

Summer is almost here, and while you’re getting ready to head to the pool and soak up the sun, there’s no denying that warmer weather comes with a price. But no need to worry! There are simple and effective ways to help you save money on your utility bills this summer without turning your home into a sauna. Here are some tips to help you keep cool while cutting costs:

1. Keep Those Curtains Closed

During the summer months, opening your blinds and enjoying natural light can mean higher cooling costs on your AC bill. Closing your curtains, blinds, or shades during the hottest parts of the day will block out sunlight and keep your home from heating up. If you really want to cool down your home, consider investing in blackout curtains or reflective film for your windows. You'll be amazed at how much cooler your home stays throughout the day.

2. Change Your Thermostat Temperature

You may be wondering, how can changing the temperature on my thermostat actually help me save? If you’re out running errands or going to work for the day, set your thermostat a few degrees higher than you usually would to save on your AC bill. Better yet, invest in a programmable thermostat that adjusts automatically. That way, you'll stay comfortable when you’re home without wasting energy when you’re not.

3. Become a Fan of Using Fans

If you want to keep your home cool while raising your thermostat a few degrees, ceiling fans and portable fans are a good solution. They use way less energy than your air conditioner, and you can use a portable box fan in areas of the house you’re in most often—it’s a win-win!

If you’re using a ceiling fan, make sure the fan blades are set to rotate counterclockwise in the summer to create a cooling breeze. In the winter, don’t forget to set your fan to rotate clockwise in order to circulate warm air.

4. Learn to Be a Grill Master

If you usually cook on your stovetop or use your oven, this can heat up your kitchen. While you don’t have to completely bring your kitchen outside, heating up the grill can be a fun summer activity while saving on electricity! So, invite some friends over, throw some veggies and burgers on the grill, and enjoy a tasty, energy-efficient meal.

If you’re not much of a grill master or live in an apartment without grills available, use a toaster oven or air fryer as an alternative. This will use less electricity and keep the temperature cooler in your kitchen than if you used a regular oven or stovetop.

5. Look Around for Air Leaks

Check for drafts around windows and doors in your home and seal them up with weather stripping or caulking. Don't forget to inspect your ductwork, too. By plugging these leaks, you'll not only keep the hot air out during the summer months, but you can keep the cold air out during the winter, too.

6. Use Your Water Wisely

If you have a sprinkler system or fill up a swimming pool, be mindful of your water usage in the summer. Consider watering your lawn and plants early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler out to minimize evaporation of the water.

You can also save energy and stay cool by strategically timing your household chores. Run your dishwasher and do laundry when temperatures are cooler and demand on the electrical grid is lower. Depending on your energy provider’s rates, you may be able to save money by using less electricity during the peak hours of the day. Peak hours typically range from 6 a.m.–10 a.m. and 4 p.m.–9 p.m. when people are most likely home from work or school. These hours may range depending on where you live, so be sure to double check with your provider.

Saving money on utilities doesn't have to be a chore—it can be fun and rewarding! So, try out these tips, and watch those energy bills shrink. With a little creativity and some smart choices, you'll stay cool all summer long.